Our strengths and assets are in our partnerships.   We are proud to include the following enterprises as our partners to provide the best services to Indian tribes, Alaska Native Corporations and Native American enterprises:

  • TITC (Tribal International Trade Center, LLC)
  • Certiport, Inc.
  • CSSI (Cost Segregation Services, Inc.)
  • Four Directions, LLC
  • TFTS (Three Fires Technology Solutions, LLC)
  • Six Points, Inc.
  • NFCMG (Native First Capital Markets Group)
  • KOTRA (Korea Trade Investment Promotions Agency)
  • DOOIN Corporation, Seoul, South Korea
  • KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology)
  • POWTEC, Craig, Alaska
  • eConsult, Anchorage, Alaska
  • TEEG (The Evergreen Energy Group), Duluth, Minnesota
  • TRIBE (Technology & Resources International Business Exchange)